Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Coming Soon to the Madison area...

Ruah: breath, wind, spirit. It's the Hebrew word used in Genesis 1 ("and the spirit hovered over waters...), and it's our inspiration for co-creating Ruah Faith & Culture Fellowship.

Who are we?
People of the Lord (we, the founders, happen to be Catholic Christians) who feel the need to bring people together to inspire and be inspired so we can engage the culture.

What's our passion?
Our mission is to inspire and be inspired. Our purposes are threefold (three F's--we like alliteration): Fellowship, Formation (spiritual, intellectual, artistic) and Fraternal Service.

What do you do?
We're planning our first event now, an Artist's Day of Recollection, on April 22nd in Madison (details TBA). It's not limited to "artists" in the formal sense, but we thought "Creative-minded folks or people who just like culture and pop culture Day of Recollection" might not be as catchy.
It'll be a day of talks on art and culture (topics are being formed now), prayer, food and fellowship. Other regular meetings and events, God-willing, will follow.

How can people get involved?
Contact Jessica Smith at ruahfellowship@gmail.com for more information.